Podcast Episode: The Resilient Animal


Felted heart made from Boo’s fur, cremation ring on finger and custom art in background

I was recently honored to be a guest on the The Resilient Animal podcast and had a lovely discussion about my companion animal death doula work and other dog topics. This was a more personal conversation than some of my other podcast appearances, talking about how I got to where I am as a behavior professional and my own journey. This is a fairly new podcast so if you’re not familiar with it, the host, Annie Petersen, Ed.D., describes it as a podcast that “focuses on the people who are involved in animal welfare and the challenges they face (funding, mental health struggles, successes and the heartbreaks).” Listen on Apple, Spotify, Buzzsprout or wherever you get your podcasts! And be sure to check the show notes with lots of resources.

We chatted a lot of my doula work and ideas for memorialization, including the felted heart I had made from Boo’s fur, shown in the picture, along with the cremation ring I had made with hers and Mr. Barbo‘s ashes. And in the background you can see a lovely piece of art I ordered from this incredible artist on Etsy. Here are the links to the items I have gotten to memorialize Boo:

Here are some of the other things we chatted about during the episode:

I’m here for any of your training needs. If you are preparing for the loss of your own dog, remember I offer my doula services here  If you’re not sure what a pet death doula does or how I can help, you can read my post on that here!

If you’re considering behavioral euthanasia I have a special consult to help you navigate that or rehoming or surrendering. You don’t need to navigate these hard times alone. There is support! You are not alone, even if it feels like you. All my new client services are available here.

Thanks for being here!

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