How To Socialize Your Puppy In A Pandemic

With the COVID-19 pandemic upon us, many new puppy owners are struggling with ways to train and socialize their new puppies.  We know that puppy socialization, up to about 14 weeks, is the most critical time for puppies to learn the world is safe and to have lots of positive experiences.  But how do you do this during a pandemic when everyone is being encouraged to socially distance or isolate?  Many group training classes are being canceled and many private trainers, like myself, have ceased doing in home visits for everyone’s safety.

The answer:  remote distance training to learn about proper socialization and how to create lots of novel experiences for your new puppy to explore, so you have opportunities to reinforce novelty.  And once you’re well underway with socialization then we can move to remote video sessions for basic obedience skills like sit, down, coming when called, leave it, wait, go to place and more!

I am now offering one hour, remote new puppy socialization sessions to help guide you through the challenges of socialization (especially now!), house training, puppy mouthing and crate training and other common puppy issues .  These sessions are for puppies under 16 weeks of age.  (Regular distance sessions are available for older dogs/puppies.) Each private one hour phone session provides an opportunity for us to discuss how best to socialize your puppy, provide you with enrichment ideas, best practices for house training, crate training guidance, how to deal with puppy mouthing, chew training, body handling, resource guarding prevention and gives you ample opportunity to ask any questions you might have, all from the safety, comfort and convenience of your own home.

These socialization sessions are priced at only $150 for the hour and includes a dozen puppy relevant handouts.  To get started, set up your appointment here!

Learn more about what to expect, how to prepare for a remote session with me and read some review from remote clients here.

Happy Training! Looking forward to connecting (remotely!) with you soon!


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