Cooperative Care: Nail Trims and Filing

Cooperative Care: Nail Trims and Filing

  Many dogs (and cats!) struggle with having normal vet and grooming procedures done and it’s not surprising if we look at it from their perspective.  Often times they’ve likely been forced to “just get it done,” maybe having been pinned...
Racism and Dogs

Racism and Dogs

  With the horrible events in our nation’s Capitol recently, I’ve been struggling a bit with how to appropriately provide relevant, but sensitive content for this week, so it seemed fitting to broach the topic of racism, or at least racism in dogs. ...
Fear in Dogs: Bad Experiences

Fear in Dogs: Bad Experiences

  This is the third installment in my Fear in Dogs series discussing the various ways dogs can acquire fear. This week, I’m talking about the most commonly known (and assumed) way dogs get fear, through bad experiences. When I have a fear and aggression...
Fear in Dogs: Genetics

Fear in Dogs: Genetics

  Last week I introduced my Fear in Dogs series talking about the role of mothers in how dogs may acquire fear.  If you missed it, you can read that post here.  This week, I’m touching on the role of genetics and the situations in which we commonly see...