by Kate LaSala | Jan 24, 2022 | Dog Training, Dog Training Regulation, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” -Maya Angelou This is Bandit. He was my first dog as an adult, long before I was a certified and highly credentialed trainer and behavior consultant. While he wasn’t the...
by Kate LaSala | Jan 10, 2022 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs
Every once in a while, a dog enters your life and changes everything. -Unknown I love this saying. Maybe because it really hits home. With so many new people to my blog and newsletter, I thought I’d take this opportunity to tell my story a little bit....
by Kate LaSala | Jan 3, 2022 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, I thought it would be a good reminder to help get you started off on the right foot (paw?) with training your dog. Here are my five things for you to leave behind in 2021 or to change for 2022: Stop using aversive...
by Kate LaSala | Nov 29, 2021 | Dog Training, Dogs and Babies and Kids, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs
As a quick reference guide, I’m compiling my posts and downloads about dogs with kids and babies here in one place (and I will try to update it moving forward). Self-paced Pre-Baby Prep Course: Bringing Home Baby Free Downloads: 10 Dos and Dont’s...
by Kate LaSala | Nov 22, 2021 | Dog Training, Dogs and Babies and Kids, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Pet Loss & Grieving, Rescue Dogs
During this week of Thanksgiving and Barbo’s recent medical situation, I’m reflecting on the many things I’m thankful for and that includes all of you. Today I am thankful for dogs, not just my own, but all of my clients, that I get to know...
by Kate LaSala | Oct 4, 2021 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Resource Guarding, Separation Anxiety
Let me first start this post with my standard disclaimer: I AM NOT A VET. But as a trainer who specializes in fear, aggression, reactivity and separation anxiety, I have a lot of clients who benefit greatly from anti-anxiety medication to help them live...
by Kate LaSala | Aug 30, 2021 | Dog Training, Dog Training Regulation, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
Remote training isn’t new in dog training. In fact, decades ago, separation anxiety trainers would drop camcorders off at their clients’ homes so they could record their training. Thankfully we don’t need to do that anymore thanks to...
by Kate LaSala | Aug 2, 2021 | Dog Training, Dogs and Babies and Kids, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs
If your dog could talk, he’d have a lot of requests. And I bet you’d be a little surprised at how simple some of those things are. So I’m here, begging you on his behalf. And I hope you’ll listen. 9 Requests, From Me, On Behalf Of...
by Kate LaSala | Jul 26, 2021 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Resource Guarding
I commonly have clients write on their intake form or tell me during our initial consult that they think their dog is “protecting them.” Maybe their dog barks at, growls or bites strangers so people jump to the conclusion their dog is guarding...
by Kate LaSala | Jul 19, 2021 | Dog Training, Dog Training Regulation, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Separation Anxiety
TV trainers have done a lot of damage over the last couple of decades, and one of those things is pushing the idea that a “calm” dog is the ideal state we want to achieve for our dogs all the time. I like calm dogs when they’re seniors and...