From The Archives: Scared Dogs Aren’t Funny

With Halloween this week and Christmas right around the corner, it’s a good time to remind people that Scared Dogs Aren’t Funny.

Social media posts, usually videos, of clearly scared dogs and people laughing at them make me sad. Dogs startling at lawn inflatables. Dogs backing away from people in costumes. Dogs barking at toys or decorations that move or make sounds. Dogs barking at or giving Santa the side eye. And people laughing at them or worse, pulling on the leash to force the dog to have an interaction with the scary thing. People trying to get the dog to sit next to the scary thing and then getting frustrated when the dog won’t sit.

Let’s reduce dog bites this holiday season by being thoughtful and understanding of our dog’s fears and what they’re communicating.

Revisit my post here:

Scared Dogs Aren’t Funny

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Happy training!

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