Kids and Dogs – Keeping Them Busy During A Pandemic

Kids at home? Dog at home? Need something for them both to do? Starting next Monday 3/24 I’m offering a kids and dogs tricks/games remote video class. Each session will focus on one easy, kid friendly trick or game that your school aged child (ages 6-12) can teach or play with your dog. All they need is access to a laptop or tablet with a webcam to login into a Zoom meeting and lots of treats! Limited to 4 per class. I’m currently offering this on Mondays and Wednesdays so register today! You can register for one or all or any combination.  Each class will be a different trick but wanted to keep it flexible for people to join without locking you into multiple sessions if you didn’t want to be.  (Contact me if these time slots aren’t good – I’m open to adding more if they can fill!)


Happy Training! Looking forward to connecting (remotely!) with you soon!


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