by Kate LaSala | Jan 6, 2025 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, I thought it would be a good reminder to help get you started off with some things to implement for 2025 to set your dog (and you!) up for success. Stop using punishment based methods and aversive tools like...
by Kate LaSala | Jan 1, 2024 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, I want to wish you a great year and hope that all your struggles of last year become your great victories of this new year. How can we help that happen? Here’s 6 ways to succeed with your dog in 2024! Stop...
by Kate LaSala | Jul 24, 2023 | Dog Training, Puppy Training, Rescue Dogs
Getting your dog to come when called (recall) is a potentially life saving behavior. In a worst-case scenario, you drop the leash or your dog slips out of a harness and takes off. You want to know that when you call him, he will come back. Recall is also one...
by Kate LaSala | Jan 2, 2023 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
Happy New Year! Thank you for all the responses to my recent survey asking for blog topics. Many of them have already been covered but I will revisit them and maybe break them down a bit more. But, with the start of the new year, I thought it would be a good...
by Kate LaSala | Feb 21, 2022 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
I recently shared my 100th blog post. To help celebrate this milestone, I dug into my site stats to see what resonates with you, my clients, my readers. Here is a recap for you of my top 5 most visited posts: Decompression: 9 Ways To Help Your New Dog Adjust To...
by Kate LaSala | Jan 3, 2022 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity, Rescue Dogs, Separation Anxiety
Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, I thought it would be a good reminder to help get you started off on the right foot (paw?) with training your dog. Here are my five things for you to leave behind in 2021 or to change for 2022: Stop using aversive...
by Kate LaSala | Sep 27, 2021 | Dog Training, Puppy Training, Rescue Dogs
Getting your dog to come when called (recall) is a potentially life saving behavior. In a worst case scenario, you drop the leash or your dog slips out of a harness and takes off. You want to know that when you call him, he will come back. So why is recall...