by Kate LaSala | Feb 16, 2021 | Dog Training
I won’t lie: there is no substitute for quality training and behavior modification. BUT, there are a lot of ways to manage and prevent problem behaviors so that our dogs stop practicing doing the wrong thing, right away. Every time your dog does the wrong thing...
by Kate LaSala | Feb 15, 2021 | Dog Training
Training often involves tackling the given problem from various approaches – training, management, exercise and enrichment – but the number one thing I always discuss with clients is management. Management prevents the problem from continuing to...
by Kate LaSala | Jan 4, 2021 | Dog Training, Separation Anxiety
With the New Year, often comes transitions and people moving. Many of my clients have moved during Covid and there’s a few common suggestions I have for people moving to a new home with their dog and thought reviewing them entering the new year would be...
by Kate LaSala | Dec 14, 2020 | Dog Training, Fear, Aggression and Reactivity
This is the third installment in my Fear in Dogs series discussing the various ways dogs can acquire fear. This week, I’m talking about the most commonly known (and assumed) way dogs get fear, through bad experiences. When I have a fear and aggression...
by Kate LaSala | Nov 9, 2020 | Dog Training, Separation Anxiety
One of the most common questions I’m asked during consults is “how long will this take to fix?” It’s understandable – people want to know what the timeline is, what the financial commitment is likely to be and what the emotional...