6 Things To Know About Separation Anxiety

Discovering your dog has separation anxiety can cut to your soul. Even more than so many other behavioral issues, the inability to leave your dog alone without the dog panicking has grave quality of life issues, both for the dog and the human. It’s is a behavior problem that many people, including some vets and other trainers, think is unresolvable.

And, just like with many other behavioral issues, there’s a lot of well-meaning, but incorrect, and sometimes, damaging advice out there. My free guide, 5 Suggestions That Won’t Help Separation Anxiety, And Might Make It Worse is available for download here.

So here’s what I want you know about separation anxiety training:

  1. Training is simple, but not easy. The training is incredibly detail-oriented, data driven and very incremental so we can ensure we are always moving at the dog’s pace.
  2. Training takes a long time. Most of my clients are in training anywhere from 3-18 months.
  3. You must suspend absences anytime you need to leave for longer than your dog can handle. This is almost always 100% of the time at the beginning.
  4. Expect ups and downs. Regressions are part of the normal process. No animal, human or canine learns on a straight upward incline.
  5. Recovery from separation anxiety is possible. Clients all over the world have successfully helped their dogs learn to be comfortable being alone, and so can yours.
  6. Anti-anxiety medication from a vet can help make training more effective and efficient. Since separation anxiety is a diagnosed panic disorder, much like bipolar or depression in humans, medication can be incredibly beneficial to balance brain chemicals and help the dog learn what we’re trying to teach them, without negatively affecting their personality. Read my post about behavioral medication here.

My self-paced course, Separation Anxiety Training Foundations is a cost-effective solution for those not ready to embark on a one on one training program or for those who need guidance on determining if their dog has separation anxiety of other issues. This course is so packed with quality content. The core course contains 4 self-paced modules each with multiple videos.  Each module also contains a downloadable resource that pairs with the information in the module.  And there’s bonuses, additional resources and lastly course participants are welcome to join a private Facebook support group exclusively open to course graduates and my one-on-one separation anxiety clients. Check out the course page for more details:

  • 4 Modules, including in-depth video lessons and worksheets
  • Membership in a private Facebook community with scheduled group coaching sessions with Kate
  • Bonus Module: The Complete Guide to Using Cameras in Training: Models, Angles and Other Recommendations
  • Bonus Module: Inside Training Missions – Detailed Steps for Each Phase of Training
  • A special discounted rate on one private video session

Naturally, a self-paced course isn’t a replacement for one-on-one training but, for clients who want to get started on their own before investing in one on one training, who might be a little more DIY, who are budget conscious or who want to get a taste of what separation anxiety training entails, this is a great foundational starter to help you on your way.  Ready to join?  Access Separation Anxiety Training Foundations today!

If you missed my free download, The 7 Milestones Of Your Separation Anxiety Journey, download it here!

Happy training!



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