Separation Anxiety Resources


As a quick reference guide, I’m compiling my separation anxiety posts and downloads here in one place (and I will try to update it moving forward).  With the launch of my Separation Anxiety Training Foundations (SATF) course, a lot of people are looking for free resources so here they are!

Free Downloads:

  • The 7 Milestones Of Your Separation Anxiety Journey. This free 11-page guide to learn all about the steps you’ll be working toward as you climb the separation anxiety mountain. I created this guide to get quality, FREE information about this challenging behavior problem into the hands of owners like you – owners who feel like they have tried everything and haven’t made any progress. Separation Anxiety isn’t a quick fix. But when we break absences down into bite-size pieces, it becomes doable for both the dog and human. Let me show you how I do it!  And by downloading it, you’ll receive exclusive updates on the course via email with a special offer as my thanks for grabbing the download!
  • 5 Suggestions That Won’t Help Separation Anxiety (And Might Make It Worse)! I have compiled five of the most common suggestions found online that will not help your dog’s separation anxiety, and discuss how they could even make it worse and also discuss how we can actually help give you and your dog some relief.
  • 26 Alternatives To Leaving Your Dog At Home: downloadable, printable checklist of 26 ideas to help you find ways to suspend absences, based on the sociability level of your dog. The list is broken into 3 sections:  dogs that are friendly with dogs and people, dogs that are friendly with dogs but not strangers and dogs that are friendly with strangers but not other dogs.

Blog Posts:

Of course if you want one on one training, contact me and schedule a session!

Also, be sure to check out my self-paced Separation Anxiety Foundations course.

Happy training!



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