The 7 Milestones Of Your Separation Anxiety Journey


I am thrilled to finally announce a huge project I’ve been working on behind the scenes for many, many months!  Next week I will be launching my first self-paced course though my website. As my separation anxiety clients have increased over the last year or so, I realized there was a great need for people to have access to quality information on separation anxiety – how to properly identify separation anxiety from other common behavior issues that can look similar, myth busting about quick fixes, talking to your vet about the role of medication, if applicable, what training looks like if your dog does have sep anx, how to track your training data and many other important topics. Of course during my one on on initial consult I discuss these things.

This course not only covers those items but sets you up on your own training path, providing you the tools to learn body language, track your training data, technology in training, learning about training thresholds (when to make things harder or easier) and much, much more.  It’s packed full of videos, handy reference guides, handouts and includes access to a private Facebook support group exclusively for course graduates and my private separation anxiety clients.

Naturally, a self paced course isn’t a replacement for one on one training but, for clients who want to get started on their own before investing in one on one training, who might be a little more DIY, who are budget conscious or who want to get a taste of what separation anxiety training entails, this is a great foundational starter to help you on your way.  In fact, I’m calling the course Separation Anxiety Training Foundations (SATF).

In preparation to kickoff the course’s release next week, today I’m releasing another free download, The 7 Milestones Of Your Separation Anxiety Journey. Download this free 11-page guide to learn all about the steps you’ll be working toward as you climb the separation anxiety mountain. I created this guide to get quality, FREE information about this challenging behavior problem into the hands of owners like you – owners who feel like they have tried everything and haven’t made any progress. Separation Anxiety isn’t a quick fix. But when we break absences down into bite-size pieces, it becomes doable for both the dog and human. Let me show you how I do it!

And by downloading it, you’ll receive exclusive updates on the course via email with a special offer as my thanks for grabbing the download!

You don’t want to miss out!  Download today!

Also, be sure to check out my self-paced Separation Anxiety Foundations course.

Happy training!



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