4 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Barking

4 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Barking

  Did you know that barking is completely normal dog behavior? While it may be annoying, especially if you’re working, it is your dog’s way of communicating. So let’s dive into why your dog might be barking. He wants something. This is demand...
Why Is My Dog Humping?

Why Is My Dog Humping?

  Did you know that humping is completely normal dog behavior? While it is often one of the most common things that gets owners worked up and embarrassed (I’m assuming that stems from our aversion to discussing sex in open ways, but that’s another...
The Importance of Management in Training

The Importance of Management in Training

  Training often involves tackling the given problem from various approaches – training, management, exercise and enrichment – but the number one thing I always discuss with clients is management.  Management prevents the problem from continuing to...
Racism and Dogs

Racism and Dogs

  With the horrible events in our nation’s Capitol recently, I’ve been struggling a bit with how to appropriately provide relevant, but sensitive content for this week, so it seemed fitting to broach the topic of racism, or at least racism in dogs. ...