Goodbye, My Boo

Goodbye, My Boo

  Last week, as many marveled as daylight plunged into darkness during the eclipse, our world plunged into darkness just two days later, as we said goodbye to our sweet BooBoo, one day after her 15-1/2th birthday. We had a beautiful 4661 days together on this...
Your Dog Is Not Stubborn

Your Dog Is Not Stubborn

  stub·born adjective having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. “He only comes when he wants to!” “This breed is so stubborn and...
Celebrating 4 Years Of Blogging

Celebrating 4 Years Of Blogging

  Can it be? It sure can be! Last month marked 4 years that I’ve been writing weekly blog content (except for a few weeks I took off!) and sharing it with you all. And a huge variety of topics, though some, like fear and aggression, separation anxiety,...