Celebrating 4 Years Of Blogging

Celebrating 4 Years Of Blogging

  Can it be? It sure can be! Last month marked 4 years that I’ve been writing weekly blog content (except for a few weeks I took off!) and sharing it with you all. And a huge variety of topics, though some, like fear and aggression, separation anxiety,...
Celebrating 3 Years Of Blogging

Celebrating 3 Years Of Blogging

  In some celebratory news, last month marked 3 years that I’ve been writing weekly blog content (except for a few weeks I took off!) and sharing it with you all. And a huge variety of topics, though some, like fear and aggression, separation anxiety,...
But, My Dog Isn’t Food Motivated

But, My Dog Isn’t Food Motivated

  If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this, I’d be sitting on a private island somewhere retired right now.  And honestly, before I was a trainer, before I knew better, I said the same thing about my BooBoo.  It’s easy to jump to that conclusion if you’re...