Pre-baby / Toddler Prep (not for dogs showing fearful behavior)
Note: If your dog is showing fearful behavior (growling, lunging, barking, biting, snapping, etc.) at your baby/toddler, please schedule a fear and aggression consult.
This is specialized training for expectant parents to help prepare your dog for the arrival of a little human. As a licensed Family Paws Parent Educator, I’m uniquely qualified to help families prepare their dog for your addition!
Expecting parents have a lot on their minds as they prepare for a new baby—the baby’s health, mom’s health, setting up the nursery and all the enormous life changes on the horizon. But for expecting parents with dogs in the household, there are additional concerns: Who will care for their dog during delivery? How will he respond to the baby? Will it be safe? Will he need to rehomed? Are there things they could be doing now to avoid trouble and heartbreak later and build a harmonious family life with dog and baby together?
I help your family take proactive steps to increase infant and child safety around dogs, decrease stress and anxiety for new parents who already have dogs, increase successful dog/child relationships and family harmony, decrease the number of dogs surrendered to shelters each year because of changes at home, increase awareness of the importance of learning about dog communication and behavior and decrease bites to young children due to lack of knowledge of dog communication and behavior.