Remote Puppy Socialization and Info Group Class

Written by Kate LaSala

March 19, 2020

New puppy?  These are difficult times and I’m here to help you through it.  Join me for remote class about puppy socialization, enrichment and training during these times, Tuesday March 24 at 6PM ET.

This 90-min remote video class will let you virtually meet other puppy owners sharing the same struggles right now.  I will help guide you through the challenges of socialization (especially now!), house training, puppy mouthing and crate training and other common puppy issues .  These sessions are intended puppies under 16 weeks of age.  (Regular distance sessions are available for older dogs/puppies.) We will discuss how best to socialize your puppy, provide you with enrichment ideas, best practices for house training, crate training guidance, how to deal with puppy mouthing, chew training, body handling, resource guarding prevention and a Q&A will give you ample opportunity to ask any questions you might have, all from the safety, comfort and convenience of your own home.

These sessions are affordably priced at only $40 for the session and includes a dozen puppy relevant handouts.  SCHEDULE TODAY.  SPACES ARE LIMITED!

Happy Training! Looking forward to connecting (remotely!) with you soon!


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