Celebrating 3 Years Of Blogging

Celebrating 3 Years Of Blogging

  In some celebratory news, last month marked 3 years that I’ve been writing weekly blog content (except for a few weeks I took off!) and sharing it with you all. And a huge variety of topics, though some, like fear and aggression, separation anxiety,...
But, My Dog Isn’t Food Motivated

But, My Dog Isn’t Food Motivated

  If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this, I’d be sitting on a private island somewhere retired right now.  And honestly, before I was a trainer, before I knew better, I said the same thing about my BooBoo.  It’s easy to jump to that conclusion if you’re...
Free Download: 3 Reasons Not To Use A Shock Collar

Free Download: 3 Reasons Not To Use A Shock Collar

Download my free guide: 3 Reasons Not To Use A Shock Collar. I talk more about why not to use these tools, a deeper dive into regulation and give you citations to the research if you’d like to look at it for yourself. There are better, more humane, more...
What To Do When Your Dog Growls

What To Do When Your Dog Growls

Understanding how to read your dog’s communication is the single most important thing you can to improve your relationship with your dog.  Dogs very rarely “bite out of nowhere.” More commonly, we’ve ignored (or in some cases, the dog has been...