The Rescued by Training Blog

All things dog behavior and training
Your Dog Is Not Stubborn

Your Dog Is Not Stubborn

  stub·born adjective having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. "He only comes when he wants to!" "This breed is so stubborn and hard to train!" "She...

Happy 2024

Happy 2024

  Happy New Year! With the start of the new year, I want to wish you a great year and hope that all your struggles of last year become your great victories of this new year. How can we help that happen? Here's 6 ways to succeed with your dog in 2024! Stop...

Looking Ahead To 2024

Looking Ahead To 2024

  2023 was a challenge for many in various ways. I've had clients struggling with separation anxiety, and other fearful or aggressive situations: dogs biting children, resource guarders, dogs who don't like to be touched, dogs who growl at or who are afraid of...

Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

  It's that time of year when everyone starts to reflect back on the year and look ahead to next year. And I'm no different. I know I'm incredibly thankful for all of my amazing clients, and how much they want to help their dogs live a better life. I'm in awe...