VIP Boarding Intake Consultation Form

This form is best completed on a computer, not a mobile device.  Thank you for your interest in a VIP Boarding stay! Please take your time and be as thorough and honest as possible. I do my best to initially assess your needs through this detailed intake form. EACH DOG NEEDS AN INTAKE FORM. If you are requesting boarding for 2 dogs from the same household, each dog requires their own intake form.

Please answer every question honestly and thoroughly. Incomplete forms will not submit. Please ensure you get the confirmation page after you click submit to be sure your form has gone through before closing this page.

I will review your submission and be in touch via email within 3 business days Monday-Friday, under normal working conditions. If your submission comes in over the weekend, on a holiday or during my time off, there may be a delay in responding.

If your form contains incomplete, unclear or partial responses, you may not receive a reply.

VIP Boarding Intake Registration and Consultation Form

Client & Dog Information

Home Address
How many dogs are you requesting VIP Boarding for?
If requesting VIP Boarding for more than one dog, both dogs must be from the same household and living together for at least 6 months to be boarded together. EACH DOG REQUIRES THEIR OWN INTAKE FORM. Complete this form for one dog and then complete it again for the second dog.
If bringing two dogs from same household, please complete this form TWICE - once for each dog. DO NOT enter both dogs' information on this one form or your request will be denied.
We'd love to see your favorite picture of your dog! Share it here.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Vet & Health Information

Are you also working with a Veterinary Behaviorist (VB) or vet specifically for behavior concerns?
N/A if not applicable
If you are working with a VB or other behavior vet, please contact them and have them send me a copy of the behavior summaries/records for your dog. This will help me thoroughly analyze your dog's needs and behaviors.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

N/A if not applicable

Your Planned Trip/Dates & Emergency Contact

Emergency contact must be local, within 100 miles and able to act as your surrogate for decision making in the event I cannot contact you and to pick up the dog in the event of an emergency like hurricane evacuation or safety issue.
Emergency Contact's Home Address

Dog's Routine

Which describes your dog's eating style? Select as many as apply.
What equipment do you use? Select as many as apply.
Does your dog display anxious or fearful behaviors in any of the following contexts? Select as many as apply.
Where does your dog sleep at night? Select as many as apply.
Is your dog allowed on couches/human beds?
Does your dog exhibit any of the following behaviors? Select as many as apply.

Physical Symptoms

Does your dog have any sound sensitivity to the following noises?
Type "NA" if not applicable.
Type "NA" if not applicable.
Type "NA" if not applicable.
Does your dog have any hesitation doing the following?
Does your dog have any of the following?

Training & Boarding History

Fear or Aggression Toward Humans

Type "NA" if not applicable.
Type "NA" if not applicable.

Fear or Aggression Toward Dogs

Separation Anxiety

Final Questions