Exploring Separation Anxiety in Velcro Dogs


I get a lot of client inquiries with people concerned that their “Velcro dog” follows them room to room and they’re concerned their dog has separation anxiety (SA).

Is there any evidence of this?

Is your Velcro dog at risk for separation anxiety?

It sure would seem logical to think that, wouldn’t it?  It would make complete sense to assume that if you can’t walk from one room to another without your dog following you, that your dog must completely fall apart when you’re gone and they’re left alone.  Similarly, you could think your dog is upset that you’re leaving if they get a little antsy when you’re putting your shoes on or when you pick up your keys.  Or what about if they’re really excited when you return?  Are any of these actual indicators of separation anxiety?  

In a study from 2001 that looked at risk factors associated with separation anxiety, it was found that high percentages of dogs without separation anxiety do these “Velcro” dog behaviors like shadowing, but don’t have separation anxiety.  My own dog, BooBoo, was the most Velcro dog I have ever known but she happy snoozed without concern when we left the house. My husband used to marvel “how does she not have separation anxiety?”

Well, it’s because shadowing wasn’t found to be a reliable diagnostic criteria for separation anxiety. She loved me and loved being near me but wasn’t anxious when she was left alone. Her preference was always to be with me if she could but that doesn’t equate SA. In the study that looked at risk factors, 64% of dogs had “moderate to severe” following of owner but didn’t have separation anxiety.  Those same non-SA dogs also had percentages of increased greeting behaviors, and signs of angst at their owner putting shoes on or sound of keys.  But they didn’t have separation anxiety.

Dogs are social creatures. We bring them into our lives and bond with them, and them with us. They are family members, yet I often have clients concerned that their dog is a Velcro dog, as if your dog wanting to be close to you and hang out and taking peace and comfort being near you is a bad thing. Dogs who feel safe and comfortable want to be near us, which is why dogs who get relegated to living outside often are so unhappy and can develop behavioral issues.

When we talk about separation anxiety and look to figure out if a dog actually has separation anxiety, let’s be sure to focus on the real indicators that matter, not the red herrings, like your dog wanting to spy on you when you potty.  What should we be focusing on?

And when/if we’ve confirmed that’s the issue, then we can work on helping the dog learn to be more comfortable with absences using a systematic desensitization process.

Remember you focus should never be on just eradicating the symptoms. Our focus isn’t on getting the dog to stop barking – it’s helping the dog learn that departures and alone time are safe. When we do that, the barking and other symptoms go away, because the dog is no longer in distress.

And please, do not take any advice that encourages you to ignore your dog for being prosocial.  I give you permission to greet your dog. I doubt you got a dog to ignore them.  Absolutely obedience and manners are important and I’m not saying pay attention to a dog who is demand barking for dinner but a down-stay on a mat will not cure your dog’s separation anxiety and neither will ignoring her if she wants to snuggle with you. And a mannequin definitely won’t help. Dogs are much smarter than that.

For more help on what NOT to do if your dog has separation anxiety, download my free 17-page guide: 5 Suggestions That Won’t Help Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety (and might make it worse).

If you and your dog are struggling with separation anxiety, I can help.  Set up your assessment today. Or pick up my self-paced Separation Anxiety Foundations course.

Happy training!

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