Times Are Hard. How Can I Help?

Written by Kate LaSala

April 9, 2020

Times are hard.  I want to help.  Please tell me how.

Everyone is struggling in one way or another right now.  I’ve been hearing from clients, friends, family and colleagues and nobody is unaffected.  We all know of someone who is sick, has lost their job, is going stir-crazy not seeing friends, had hours reduced, has lost a loved one or who is struggling to just see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I’m right there with you.

I got into dog training to help people and to help dogs.  And that hasn’t changed with this pandemic.  If anything, it’s strengthened my resolve to make good, quality training accessible to more people.  I’ve used some of my quarantine time productively and have recently obtained a new certification credential and am now only one of 12 certificants worldwide to have earned this prestigious title.  I’m incredibly proud to add the letters PCBC-A (Professional Canine Behavior Consultant) behind my name.  This designation, from the Pet Professional Accreditation Board, is the only certification for professionals who believe there is no place for shock, choke, prong, fear or intimidation in canine training and behavior practices.  I’m also currently enrolled in a Canine Nutrition course, so I can begin to add some non-veterinary nutrition counseling as a service.

What has changed is how I’m able to provide services has changed but my expertise and the information you get is still all the same. As I explained in my last email, I’ve moved all services to remote to be able to provide consults, one on one private sessions and some group offerings.  And people love it!  While it seems counterintuitive to not have a trainer there, in many cases, it’s actually easier for the dog to work on training remotely.  Once people get over the initial worry about how it works, everyone has loved the experience.  I’ve been working with clients on basic obedience, pre-baby prep, leash reactivity, puppy training and socialization and more!  I’ve posted some clips from recent sessions on social media, so check out my Instagram if you want to have a peek at what it looks like.

We’re going to get through this, together.  But I need your help to tell me how I can best help you right now by taking this short survey for me.  Once I get results, I will implement the top ideas to best help you right now.

Some of the best moments for me these days is seeing your pictures or videos of your dogs, especially if you’re training them (please, please tag us in those posts!) or getting email updates.  I was having a really hard day yesterday and received an update from a long-time remote client from upstate NY checking in and sharing a wonderful progress update.  It made me cry happy tears and was the bright spot that I so needed in that moment.  You and your dogs are why I do what I do.  Please don’t be a stranger.  Even if you were a client 5 years ago and haven’t checked in since then, please check in, send an update and let me know you’re okay.  And if you’re not okay, that’s alright too.  It’s okay to not be okay right now.  But you’re not alone, even if we’re all social distancing.

Stay safe.  Keep me posted on how you’re doing and let me know if you need help.  And please fill out the survey to let me know how I can best help right now.  And be sure you’re following me on social media for updates (links below)!

I can’t wait to see you, remotely or eventually, in person.


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