Beat The Rainy Day Blues!
Here are my top 6 quick activities to give your dog some extra fun and enrichment on rainy or extra busy days.
Enrichment isn’t about tiring out your dog – it’s about meeting your dog’s needs and letting them have the freedom to do doggy things.
Download my free guide for some easy ideas to help increase enrichment and have some important bonding time to build trust and have a stronger, better, more fulfilling relationship with your dog.

About the author

Hi, I’m Kate. I’m a professional dog trainer and certified behavior consultant specializing in fear and aggression and separation anxiety. I’ve helped over thousands of dogs overcome issues their guardians thought were impossible – fear of strangers, resource guarding, growling at toddlers, separation anxiety and more. With over 6,000 hours of hands-on training fearful dogs, I have the relevant experience to rescue you and help you enjoy your dog again.
So whether you need help with a growly, bitey, fraidy dog, or are preparing for life with a new baby or your new dog just needs some manners, I can help and we can work together to improve your and your dog’s quality of life.